When teaching kids yoga does it ever feel like you need to be a magician? With a magic hat and several tricks up your sleeves? Here are 3 tricks to keep up your magic sleeves… along with a rabbit, snacks and the extra set of clothes for the kid that gets too.
Why kids yoga?
Many children have been previously exposed to music, soccer, ballet and art, and we understand that yoga may be a novel activity for your child (and for you!). Don’t you wish that you had started practicing yoga as a child before the complications of adult life got in the way? Many adults begin their yoga practice later in life and quickly realize the profound benefits on their individual bodies, minds and hearts.
The body–mind–heart virtues of yoga can play a meaningful role in shaping the lives of children of all ages. Since the practice of yoga is inherently noncompetitive, non–judgmental and highly personal, kids’ yoga classes provide children with an experience unmatched by other children’s activities. These classes teach kids to internalize concepts of self–awareness, compassion, balance, creativity and healthiness on a physical and psychological level. These are the tools that, as adults, we rely on to thrive in our complicated, challenging and exciting world.